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The first Sony G Lens created specifically for Emount cameras is true to its heritage, achieving outstanding resolution and contrast throughout the zoom range thanks to an advanced optical design incorporating two ED glass elements and three aspherical elements From wide angle to medium telephoto, this power zoom lens covers approximately a 6x zoom range with a constant F4Maximum aperture is a constant F4 from 18mm wide angle to 105mm medium telephoto, with excellent resolution and contrast throughout A lever and ring on the lens barrel allow zoomE PZ mm F4 G OSS Power Zoom Lens The first Sony G Lens created specifically for Emount cameras is true to its heritage, achieving outstanding resolution and contrast throughout the zoom range thanks to an advanced optical design incorporating two ED glass elements and three aspherical elements

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E PZ mm F4 G OSS SELPG 最安価格(税込): ¥51,0 発売日:13年12月13日 価格comの安さの理由は? < 7 のユーザーが価格変動や値下がり通知、クチコミ・レビュー通知、購入メモ等を利用中です 価格比較SONY mm E PZ F4 G OSS (SELPG) Esta lente G para cámaras con montura tipo E ofrece fotografías y vídeos asombrosos con la flexibilidad del zoom eléctrico de 6x La apertura máxima es constante de F4 en todo el rango desde gran angular de 18 mm a teleobjetivo medio de 105 mm, con una excelente resolución y contrasteE PZ mm F4 G OSS, Montura tipo E, formato APSC, Lente G de Sony de zoom estándar, Potente zoom, perfecto para video

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